Map/California/Santa Clarita

Santa Clarita personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $51,205

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $21500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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Santa Clarita

Santa Clarita, nestled in California's Santa Clarita Valley, is renowned for its film history and Six Flags Magic Mountain. Founded in 1987 through the merger of four communities, it is now the third-largest city in Los Angeles County. The city boasts a blend of suburban lifestyle and natural attractions like the Santa Clara River and picturesque canyons. It offers an array of cultural events, parks, trails, and a focus on family-friendly living. Santa Clarita has also been recognized for its high-quality schools, low crime rates, and robust economy, making it an attractive place for both residents and businesses.

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energy icon


Santa Clarita has made strides in improving its energy efficiency through various initiatives. The city's Energy Action Plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by promoting renewable energy sources, like solar installations in residential and commercial buildings. The utility companies offer incentives for energy-saving upgrades such as rebates for energy-efficient appliances and smart thermostats. Santa Clarita's municipal facilities are increasingly utilizing LED lighting and other energy-saving technologies. Building codes in the city also mandate that new construction meet high energy efficiency standards. Solar panel installations have been on the rise, thanks to net metering programs that allow excess energy to be sold back to the grid. The city's partnership with local organizations facilitates the distribution of information regarding energy conservation methods to residents and businesses.

energy icon


Water conservation is a priority in Santa Clarita, where the semi-arid climate necessitates careful water management. The city endorses water-efficient landscaping through its rebate program for residents who replace turf with drought-resistant plants. The use of smart irrigation technology is encouraged, and residents can take advantage of rebates for installing weather-based irrigation controllers. Water use efficiency is regularly promoted through public education campaigns. The city collaborates closely with the local water agencies to enforce watering restrictions, particularly during peak drought periods. Leak detection programs help to identify and repair water leaks in the municipal infrastructure promptly. Additionally, Santa Clarita's investment in a recycled water infrastructure supports non-potable uses such as irrigation for parks, golf courses, and other green spaces.

energy icon


Santa Clarita continues to improve transportation efficiency through the development of a comprehensive transit network. The city's public transportation system includes buses that run on clean fuels, reducing emissions and conserving energy. There are incentives for residents to use public transport, such as reduced fares for students and seniors, and a bike sharing program to encourage non-motorized transit. The city has also been expanding its network of bike lanes and trails, making it safer and more convenient for cyclists and pedestrians. Efforts to synchronize traffic signals have improved traffic flow and reduced idling time. Carpool and vanpool programs are actively promoted, and electric vehicle charging stations are becoming more prevalent throughout the city, supported by rebates for EV purchasers. Santa Clarita's forward-thinking approach to transportation aligns with its goal of reducing congestion and improving the quality of the air.

energy icon


Waste management in Santa Clarita is spearheaded by its comprehensive recycling and waste reduction programs. The city has a robust curbside recycling program that accepts a wide variety of materials, aiming to divert as much waste as possible from landfills. A green waste program facilitates the recycling of yard trimmings and organic waste, which is then turned into compost and mulch. Santa Clarita also operates hazardous waste collection events, allowing residents to safely dispose of items such as e-waste, batteries, and household chemicals. Businesses are encouraged to participate in waste audits to improve their waste diversion rates. Additionally, the city's 'Recycle Hero' program educates school children on the importance of recycling and waste reduction. To further reduce waste, there are local ordinances that limit the use of single-use plastics, promoting reusable bags and containers.